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Here you can find free software and free examples of using VasTOPO for solving various problems of analysis and topology optimization.

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FreeViewer is a Vasto.OPT module that runs without a license. With it you will be able to open and examine VasTOPO models (.cdf files), make modifications to a model just like with the licensed version of Vasto.OPT. But you will not be able to save the modified model or start any calculations. Instructions for installation can be fount in the file titled INSTALL contained in the archive
Piston-connecting-rod-assembly model
A model of an assembly consisting of several sub-assemblies and parts made of different materials. Parts are connected with fastened connections, sliders, and surface contacts. There are definitions and solutions of steady-state heat conduction problem and thermoelastic problem. Thermal conductivity of all connections and virtual parts are taken into account. This is a good example of the processing of the complex assembly.
Piston-Connecting-rod-system model
RetainerMultiMaterial model
A model of assembly of parts of different materials. Parts are connected with surface contacts. There are definitions and solutions of several topology optimization problems with different mass and manufacturing constraints. A good example of the optimization of the whole set of parts of different materials.
RetainerMultiMaterial model
Bracket model
The model contains two topology optimization tasks with different stamping penalty values. A good example to see the influence of stamping penalty value on the result of topology optimization.
Bracket model
GE Engine Bracket model
Well-known model, which has been subjected to topological optimization by various software.
The file contains VasTOPO's results of topology optimization with and without manufacturing constraints, and results of validation tasks.
GE Engine Bracket model